Top 5 Benefits of a Facelift

Dr. Anthony Farole performs facelifts at his facial cosmetic surgery center in Bala Cynwyd, PA. Facelifts continue to rate among the most popular cosmetic procedures because nothing else can compare for skin tightening, wrinkle removal, and facial rejuvenation. 

What is a Facelift?

Formally called a rhytidectomy, a facelift rejuvenates the facial features by lifting and recontouring the skin and underlying structures to give you beautiful youthful-looking results that still appear natural. The days of an overdone, tight-looking facelift have passed, and today’s facelifts, especially in the hands of an expert like Dr. Farole, look like a younger and more shapely version of yourself. 

How Does a Facelift Work?

Dr. Farole will perform the procedure under general anesthesia so you feel nothing. He will make small incisions hidden behind the ears to access the muscles, ligaments, skin, and fat of your face so he can adjust them. 

Lifting muscles and ligaments, not just skin, gives the face natural contours. Redistributing facial fat can plump up areas that need it and remove fat from areas where it does not belong. Finally, Dr. Farole will tighten and remove loose skin to get rid of sagging or laxity. 

What Types of Facelifts are Available?

Along with a full facelift, Dr. Farole also offers a mini-facelift. A mini-facelift still tightens and lifts, but with smaller incisions and less restructuring of tissue, this procedure has more subtle results and a shorter recovery time. 

Dr. Farole also performs revision facelifts. This procedure corrects or improves the results of a previous facelift to give the patient the results they want and correct any issues caused by the previous procedure. Revision facelifts require a high degree of skill and experience. 

Facelift Consultations Available

What Are the Top 5 Benefits of a Facelift?

Facelifts have many benefits, some that people may not even know about. Here are five of the top reasons to consider a facelift:

Treats More Signs of Aging in One Procedure

No other procedure can reduce or treat more signs of facial aging at one time than a facelift. While other treatments can provide temporary lift and wrinkle reduction, the facelift remains the definitive long-lasting solution to age-related concerns. 

Tightens Sagging Skin

While other treatments can tone and to some degree reduce the appearance of sagging skin, the only true solution is to lift the skin and remove the excess to get rid of sagging. 

Treats Double Chin and Jowls

While people may not consider these areas part of a facelift, you will see dramatic improvements in this area when loose skin and excess fat have been tightened and removed. You will have a more defined jawline and get rid of your loose jowls. 

Works Well With Other Procedures

Many people choose other procedures at the same time as their facelift. These can improve the overall results. Procedures may include blepharoplasty (eye lift), or a neck lift to address sagging neck skin. Combining a facelift with other surgeries means fewer procedures and only one recovery time. You may also be able to save money on costs such as anesthesia and hospital fees. 

For Men and Women of All Ages

Both men and women benefit from facelift procedures. While many men feel like only women undergo this procedure, Dr. Farole has also performed it on many men, who enjoy the results just as much as female patients. Facelifts also have no age requirements, and Dr. Farole can discuss during consultation whether your individual facial features would benefit from this procedure. 

What is Recovery From a Facelift Like?

After your facelift, you will need about two weeks to recover before resuming normal activities. During this time, some of the swelling will decrease, but for the swelling to disappear entirely takes several months. Your surgeon will explain how to care for yourself in the days following your procedure. Follow his instructions carefully to maximize the speed and ease of your recovery. 

How Much Does a Facelift Cost?

According to the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons, an average facelift costs $8005. This varies greatly from one area and one provider to another. It also does not include hospital fees, medication, anesthesia, or a number of other costs you may incur. A consult with Dr. Farole will help give you a clearer picture of your overall cost. 

Am I a Candidate for a Facelift?

You could be a candidate for a facelift if you want to restore a more youthful, lifted, and contoured look to your facial features. Candidates must not smoke or must quit smoking before surgery, as smoking impairs healing. If you have sagging or lax skin and other signs of aging, a facelift may help you. 

“The staff is very professional office is very nice! Was a great experience over all absolutely no pain and was very quick!” *

Take the Next Step

Are you interested in learning more about facelifts? Schedule a consultation at Dr. Farole’s Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center in Bala Cynwyd, PA by giving us a call at (610) 668-3300 today.

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By |2025-01-14T12:54:16-05:00October 15th, 2021|Facelift|

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