

An eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure that alters the appearance of either the upper or lower eyelid, or both. Eyelid surgery is most commonly performed for aesthetic reasons, however, it can also be done for medical uses. The procedure corrects a number of cosmetic concerns such as puffy eyelids, wrinkles, dark circles, and droopiness that may impair vision.

How Does It Work?

At your initial consultation, Dr. Farole will assess your eyes and talk to you about your goals. After which he’ll offer suggestions about which procedure might benefit you. You may decide that you’d like both eyelids done together or that you only need the upper or lower lid rejuvenated.

Upper eyelid surgery is a fairly simple procedure that only requires a local anesthesia. Surgery done to the lower eyelid is slightly more complex and is usually done under general anesthesia. Both procedures reposition or remove muscle and fat tissue to give your eyes a fresher-looking appearance. Incisions are made in the natural fold of the eye to ensure scarring is not visible.

Patients are free to go home the same day of their surgery and back to work in as little as 2-3 days. Your eyes may feel dry or irritated for several days as the incision heals. Swelling and bruising associated with your surgery can take several weeks to dissipate.

Blepharoplasty Bala Cynwyd

Is It Right for Me?

Men and women with wrinkles, dark circles, or excess skin around the eyes can benefit from blepharoplasty surgery. Upper eyelid surgery is best suited for patients with puffy eyelids, sagging skin, or wrinkles around the eyes. Lower eyelid surgery can reduce the appearance of bags under the eye.

There is no ideal age for blepharoplasty. Some patients choose to have the surgery done in their mid-twenties and others much later in life.

Smokers will be asked to stop smoking for several weeks before and after surgery to ensure the best outcome.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

Your eyes will have an instantly fresher look after your surgery. You’ll benefit from continuous improvement as swelling subsides over time. The result is a brighter, more open facial appearance. The majority of patients only require one eyelid surgery in their lifetime.

Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation at our Facial Cosmetic Surgical Center in Bala Cynwyd, PA by giving us a call at (610) 668-3300 today.

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