If you hate being told you have a “baby face” or wish you had slimmer, less rounded cheeks, buccal fat removal can help.

What is Buccal Fat Removal?
In the hollow under the cheekbones, we all have a buccal fat pad. This area of fat gives our faces youthful fullness and a healthy appearance. The size of the buccal fat pad depends on the person, and for some people, it gives the face unwanted fullness and roundness. Buccal fat removal takes fat out of this area to reduce roundness and make your face look more slender.
How Does Buccal Fat Removal Work?
Dr. Anthony Farole performs buccal fat removal at his Bala Cynwyd office. He will use a small incision inside the cheek to access the buccal fat pad. This method means you will not have any marks on the outside of the mouth. Putting pressure on the outside of the cheek will expose more of the fat pad. After removing excess fat to create a slimmer appearance, Dr. Farole will close the incision with dissolvable sutures.
What Results Will I See With Buccal Fat Removal?
It takes a few weeks to see your full results since your face will look swollen at first. As the swelling goes down, you will see your face look slimmer and less rounded, with less fullness in the cheek area and more defined cheekbones. For people who have felt like their cheeks gave them too much fullness, this transformation can improve self-esteem and confidence. Fat does not grow back, but the appearance of your cheeks may change if you gain or lose weight.
What is Recovery Like From Buccal Fat Removal?
You will receive a special mouthwash to use while your incision heals. After a few days of a liquid diet, you can start adding soft foods. You will have some bruising and swelling in the cheek area that can take up to three weeks to go away completely. Dr. Farole will provide you with instructions on how to care for your incision and when you can resume eating your usual diet.
Am I A Good Candidate for Buccal Fat Removal?
If you feel like your face looks too round or full, you may make a good candidate for buccal fat removal. Ideal candidates are in good health and at a stable, healthy weight but still have excess fullness in the cheeks. People who have loose or sagging skin are not usually good candidates for this procedure, since removing the buccal fat pad will cause more sagging. Dr. Farole can discuss your goals and determine whether buccal fat removal is the right choice for you.
Ready to learn more? Schedule a consultation at our Facial Cosmetic Surgical Center in Bala Cynwyd, PA by giving us a call at (610) 668-3300 today.