What is Recovery from a Rhinoplasty Like?

Are you interested in getting a nose job, but not sure if you’re up for the recovery process?

As it turns out, the recovery involved in a rhinoplasty procedure can be more straightforward than you might have thought. Take a look at the five things you can expect from your nose job recovery, which range from how painful your recovery might be to when you can expect results.

Rhinoplasty Bala Cynwyd

5 Things to Expect from Your Rhinoplasty Recovery

1. You’ll be very uncomfortable in your first few days.

There’s no way around it: You’ll probably be very uncomfortable during the first few days after your rhinoplasty procedure. Your cosmetic surgeon may prescribe you pain medication to help manage your symptoms, but it’s best to plan on resting as much as possible during your first post-op week.

2. You’ll be wearing a splint for the first week.

A splint will help keep the shape of your nose, especially during those first few days when your nose is most vulnerable to losing its new shape. You may need to wear your splint for longer than one week, depending on your rhinoplasty procedure.

3. You’ll need to attend follow-up appointments.

You’ll have a few follow-up appointments during the first month of your rhinoplasty recovery. These appointments are vital to ensuring that your recovery goes along smoothly, so don’t be tempted to skip them.

Rhinoplasty Consultations Available

4. You can return to work pretty quickly.

Most patients are able to return to work after 1-2 weeks of rest and recovery. Your facial cosmetic surgeon will give you the final sign-off as to when you can head back into the office or go back to the job site.

5. The swelling will vary for the next year.

Most of your post-op swelling will be minimized by the first four to eight weeks after your surgery; however, it won’t fully disappear for at least one year. Anticipate seeing minor changes to your nose during these times of minor change.

I loved my experience with Dr. Farole and his staff. Everyone was warm, friendly and informative. My procedure was quick and pleasant. All care instructions were clear and helpful.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn if a Rhinoplasty is right for you? Schedule a consultation at Dr. Farole’s Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center in Bala Cynwyd, PA by giving us a call at (610) 668-3300 today.

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By |2025-01-14T12:54:32-05:00November 5th, 2019|Rhinoplasty|

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