Do you have sagging jowls that just won’t respond to any tightening creams or anti-wrinkle serums? If that’s the case, it might be time for surgical intervention.
But what’s the best treatment for sagging jowls, so you can get the contoured jawline you’ve been looking for?

Why a Facelift is the Best Treatment for Sagging Jowls
There are plenty of treatments out there that promise to help minimize the appearance of sagging jowls. From injections to ultrasound therapy, these procedures have helped thousands of patients; however, they’re not exactly great at treating moderate or severe sagging.
Here’s why: Sagging skin is often a sign that your skin laxity is breaking down as a result of reduced collagen and elastin production. While some treatments can help counteract this sagging by increasing collagen levels, the truth is that if sagging has gone too far, it requires surgical intervention.
That’s why the facelift is the best treatment for sagging jowls, as it involves a plastic surgeon manually removing excess skin to help highlight your beautifully contoured jawline.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?
You’re a good candidate for a facelift procedure if you have noticeable skin sagging around your neck and jawline. Most candidates are people with moderate to severe sagging and won’t see great results from non-surgical treatment.
Additionally, all candidates should be physically healthy individuals who don’t smoke. Individuals should have realistic expectations for their facelift results and be prepared to allot a reasonable time for recovery.
If you’re not a good candidate for a facelift or you’d like to avoid a surgical solution, there are plenty of non-surgical options that could provide you with relief. Kybella for double chin removal can help reduce some signs of fat-related sagging, while microneedling could help treat mild sagging around the mid-to-lower facial regions.
I had the fat removed from under my jaw and neck area for what is referred to as the turkey gobbler appearance. The procedure not only removed the excess fat but it also draped my skin tighter to my neck and jaw line. It looks like I had a neck lift without the incisions! Not only that but the excess fat removed was used to fill in hollows in my cheek enhancing my cheek bones. I was so happy and the result is holding very nicely one year later. I was able to have it done with a very light sedation in his office and I went back to work two days later with virtually no swelling or bruising.
Take the Next Step
Want to learn if a Facelift is right for you? Schedule a consultation at Dr. Farole’s Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center in Bala Cynwyd, PA by giving us a call at (610) 668-3300 today.