Post-Transplant Scalp and Hair Care

Hair transplants are a great way to look and feel better. For our Philadelphia-area patients to get the most benefit from their hair transplant surgery, my office prepares them carefully for post-surgery care. Here are some of the important steps to take (and not take) following the procedure.

What TO DO:

  • Your scalp should be kept dry, especially on the first day after surgery. But you will also want to wash and shampoo your scalp and hair in the days following the procedure to remove dead skin and clean scabs. Keeping scabs clean prevents damage to hair follicles and interfering with hair growth.

Make sure to hand wash your hair during the initial days after surgery to avoid any excess pressure on your scalp. Four or five days after the procedure, a low-pressure shower can be taken, which will help your scabs peel off, accelerating the healing process. We will give you shampoo advice, so you know what products are safe to apply to your scalp and hair.

  • Your scalp should be kept clean during your entire recovery process. Despite any numbness and soreness that you may experience, avoid applying anything to your scalp—unless approved by my office.

You may use an ice pack to reduce bleeding or swelling, but place it on the forehead or the back of the skull. DO NOT place the ice pack directly onto the grafted area.

  • It is vital that you take care of your scar, which will likely itch you as it heals. We may give you antibiotic topical cream to thwart infection and reduce scalp irritation and swelling. If you feel that you need additional help, contact my office.
  • When sleeping, try to maintain a semi-upright position, with two or more pillows to elevate your head. Adopting this position, at least for the first three nights following surgery, will help prevent excess swelling on your scalp. If this position is not natural, you might try sleeping on a reclining chair.

If the grafts were implanted on the back of your skull, sleeping on your side is your best option. You want to avoid rubbing your head against the pillow, which will disrupt hair growth and may cause grafts to fall off.


  • Avoid fiddling with the surgical area, despite soreness and itchiness.
  • Do not expose your head to direct sunlight in the days following the procedure.
  • Do not drink alcohol for a week after the procedure, and do not smoke for at least a month. Both alcohol and smoking interfere with blood supply to the head and hair follicles.
  • Refrain from sports and exercise for at least a week after surgery. Avoid any sport with body contact for at least a month.
  • Avoid activities which cause excess sweating, as that increases the risk of infection.
  • Avoid any jerky head movements, especially leaning forward.

While every surgeon will have his or her postoperative instructions, which you should strictly follow, these do’s and don’ts give should give you an idea of what to expect.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn if a Hair Transplant is right for you? Schedule a consultation at Dr. Farole’s Facial Cosmetic Surgery Center in Bala Cynwyd, PA by giving us a call at (610) 668-3300 today.


Sydney Hair Transplant

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By |2025-01-14T12:54:56-05:00December 29th, 2016|Info Articles|

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